Wednesday 17 February 2010

The Virtual Revolution- episode 2

When I watched the first episode of this show I actually found it rather interesting because of all the people who the prsenter spoke too. After watching the second episode I did not find it that interesting because it was about politics and the internet and politics isn't something that I am fond of.

But it is fair to say there were some interesting parts to the documentary. Like I didn't know that Twitter was developed in 2006 in San Fransisco.
What I found most interesting about the second episode was when the presenter talked about sites like wikileaks. Wikileaks is a site which publishes and comments on leaked documents alleging government and coporate misconduct. I found it interesting because I couldn't believe sites like that weren't even blocked.
Speaking of blocked sites another thing that was partly interesting was when the prsenter went on to talk about the Haystack system. Basically it can unblock any site that has been blocked by the government. How cool is that.

To sum up I didn't really enjoy the second episode because it was about politics but I would recommend this show if you are fascinated about the internet and how it has affected everyone.

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