Monday 8 February 2010

'A Day In The Life Of'- slideshow music

For the last part of the 'A Day In The Life Of' project I had to create a slideshow on Imovie showing the best photographs that I have taken. The slideshow needed to narration and the narration and photographs had to be accompanied by an original piece of music that went with the narration and photographs.
To create the music I used garage band. When you have used garage band alot you think creating music on it is going to get easier but for me it didn't because at first I was struggling trying to get music to fit together. I was also struggling with what sort of music goes with football. I ended up finding a beat that went really well but it was hard finding something that went with with that particular beat. After searching for something to go with the beat I ended up finding a drum sound that went really well with the beat. For the music I wanted a continuous beat all the way through the slideshow. So I placed the beat all the way through to 4 minutes after a few continuous beats I placed the drum sound in with the beat and I kept that same pattern all the way through.

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