Monday, 8 February 2010

'A Day In The Life Of'- slideshow narration

After I finished my the music for the slideshow I then started to focus on the narration for the slideshow. For the narration I first had to say what I had been asked to do and what my idea was and I also to say why I chose that particular idea. I then had to go on and explain how my work links with the photographers work that I have researched for this project. The last part of my narration was to comment on the best photographs that I had taken, saying what they represent, why they work and what the meaning behind the photograph is.
To make it easier for myself I booked out the Ediroll equipment from central media for the weekend so I could do the narration at home and so I would have no distractions. Since I have used The Ediroll equipment once before I knew how to use the equipment. The first time I did some narration was for my Henri Cartier-Bresson slideshow and it took only but 2 attempts to get it done and I did that narration at college. This time around I did the narration at home and I ad no distractions. It took me 24 attempts to get it right. I think the problem was that I had written the script and had not typed it up to make it more clearer to read. I think next time I should type the script up after I have written it and then maybe it won't take me as long to get it right.

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