Monday 8 February 2010

'A Day In The Life Of'- Match Day

On Match Day I was really eager to start taking photographs at the ground. Before the game actually started the plan was to take photographs of the players arriving but it turned out that I had got there a little too late and all the players had already arrived so I decided to take photographs of the players walking out of the changing rooms and them warming up before the game. During the game everything went as much as planned. The only thing that I didn't manage to capture was some of the goals that were scored but I did get the players celebrating which was good. I also managed to get a good picture of the half-time team talk as well.
After the game went well but I wasn't able to capture the players in the pub because the owner of the pub wouldn't let me take any. But I did manage to capture the players taking down the nets after the game and also the players leaving.
Overall I think it all went well. I did get some really good photos but I was dissapointed with the fact that I got there a little late. If there was a next time I would try get there a little earlier.
There was nothing I could do about the owner of the pub not letting me photograph the players in the pub because he didn't give me permission.

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