Monday 15 February 2010

'A Day In The Life Of'- improving slideshow

After showing my full slideshow to my tutor I had to improve parts of my slideshow. The first problem was that there was too much of someone else's work and the second problem was that the music needed altering because it was kind of distracting you away from the narration.

To improve the first problem I put in photos that I had taken during matchday in the places where someone else's was. But I didn't comment on the photos as they were used to describe why I had chosen the subject of football. But so some of the photos went with the narration I placed in some work that were take by the photographers that I had researched.

To improve my second problem I looked at the music that I created on garage band for the slideshow and took out the drum parts becasue they were distracting parts of the narration. After the drum parts were taken out I altered the parts of the music where there is no narration. What I did was make the music louder at those parts and when the narration was about to come bacl on I altered the music so it would be quieter.

After I sorted these problems I put the improved song onto itunes and plaved it back on the slideshow and from there all I had to do was alter the timing of some of the photos. I think the next time I do a slideshow on imovie I should listen to it carefully so I can se if their are any silly mistakes to correct.

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