Tuesday 9 February 2010

The Virtual Revolution- Episode 1

A few days ago I watched the first episode of a new TV show called The Virtual Revolution. The show shows us how the internet has effected everybody from politicians to businessmen.
The first episode sees the presenter talking to the creators of things such as, the world wide web, facebook, you tube, napster and the 'well' system. I actually found this particular episode rather interesting because it gave some really interesting facts on the internet and its users. According to the show 35 million of people living in the UK go on the internet everyday.
Another interesting fact that I found out was that without the 'well' system created by Stewart Brand things like facebook may not of even existed. God bless, Stewart Brand.
Also when watching the show I was amazed on how young the creators were of you tube and facebook. They looked so young, they looked like they were in their 20s. I expected the people who created them to be like old men with beards.
I have to admit you have to admire Tim Berners-Lee for letting people have the world wide web for free. But you may think he missed an oppurtunity to become a millionaire. Look at Bill Gates.

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