Tuesday 2 February 2010

Re-doing presentation

The first time I did the presentation on my proposal for my idea for 'A Day In The Life Of' I wasn't really that nervous, I wanted to go first to get it over and done with and I thought I did a good job but it turned out that I missed some important parts out of the presentation and there was no real depth into why I chose amateur football as a subject to capture.

When I was told that I had to do it again I was more nervous that I had ever been. The weather made it worse because it kept stopping me and a few others from doing the presentation again. What was really weird was on the day that I did the presentation again I wasn't nervous but before I was.

While I was up talking I kept fiddling around in my right pocket because I was partly nervous but I don't know why. When I finished it I was so relieved that I had done it and It felt good that I wouldn't have to do a presentation again for a while. But then I found out that for the last part of our functional key skills for English was to do a presentation. NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!

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