Monday, 8 February 2010

'A Day In The Life Of'- full slideshow

After I finished my narration the next day I went to college and I put the whole together on Imovie. Seeing as I did the narration in 2 separate bits to make it easier I dragged and dropped them onto the desktop and opened them up in Itunes. Before putting them on garage band I had to do something similar to what I did in the other project. I had to create an AAC version of the audio clips so they could be put onto garage band. After the versions were created I put them onto garage band. Seeing as in the Imovie slideshow I placed a title at the start for 4 seconds I made sure that the audio didn't start until 4 seconds after the music had begun. I also separated the two narrations that I did by 4 seconds because of another title.
Once that was done I put the whole thing on itunes and from there I was able to put it onto the imovie slideshow.
In the slideshow I put my own work into as well as some of the photographers work that I had researched before hand. I also used some from a different source to describe why I chose football as a subject for the project. After all the photos that I needed were put onto the slideshow I put everything in sync by changing the times of each photographs. When I did this I thought it would take a while but it didn't.
Seeing as that I did it before it seemed alot easier to get the timing right. To make the slideshow look more professional I put in transitions between the photos and on each photo I used the Ken Burn's effect to make it look more professional. The effect lets you choose where you want to start the photo from when it comes up. When you click on the effect button you have box which says start and one that says end. The start box is what you will see first when the photo first comes up and the end box is what you will see at the end. So at the start you can zoom into the main focus of the photo and with the end box you can show the whole photo. If you did this then the photo would gradually zoom out to show the whole photo.

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