Monday 14 December 2009


Technical issues?

I think we need have different angles when doing our establishing shots to make it look better. Also next time we need to let the camera roll in and roll out for 10 seconds so when we have finished a voxpop let the camera keep going for 10 seconds.

Questions asked
1. What do you think about the square at the moment? Is it somewhere where you spend time frequently? What improvements would you make?

2. Do you think the money being spent is worth it or could be used for something better?

3.Do you think it would be successful or a disaster?

This is the jist of the questions as a the start of the question we give the interviewee some information that links to the question. I think with the questions we need to memorise them so we don't stutter and it looks more professional.

Location issues?

We need to find locations that have less background noise and also where this more people to ask. I think we also need more location shots so we can get a better look at bradford and also other places of attraction around bradford as well.

3 successful elements

1. the voxpops were good because who answered were really entusiastic.
2. Panning shot was good because it captured most of centenary square.
3. The answers given by the inteviewee weere good because because the answers were indepth.

3 less succesful elements?

1. location shot because need a few more.
2. the noise was distracting as well.
3. piece to camera needs more planning

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