Monday 14 December 2009

Induction blog entry

Why have I chosen to do the creative and media course?
I wanted to come to college and study the creative and media course because it links in with my future career goal which is to work for a newspaper or news website. I was attracted towards the course because I was interested in what the course involves, such as video and sound production. Also I have enjoyed media studies at school and have done well in the past getting a B grade at GCSE.

What do I aim to achieve during the course?
During my time on the course I hope to gain an understanding of how newspaper companies work and hope to gain a bit of work experience involving this as well. Also by gaining this work experience I hope to gain a bit of knowledge about a media environment such as a newspaper office.

What are my career ambitions for the future?
In the future I hope to see myself involved in working for a newspaper or for a news website. I am not entirely certain what role I would like to take working for a newspaper. But if I was to choose I would be a reporter or an online reporter on the website or maybe a photographer.

In a perfect world where would I be and what would I being doing in ten years time?
If it was a perfect world I would like to have seen myself playing professional cricket and in ten years time playing for my country but it's unlikely now! Also in a perfect world I would like to have what I call my ten car garage. In this garage I would have my ten favourite cars.

What are my strongest skills or abilities?
My strongest skills are probably my hobbies, like playing pool. I have found myself to be pretty good at it. Also cricket - over the years I have played a lot of cricket and have got better at it as the years have passed. My other skills involve computing and video gaming.

What do I need to improve on?
I think the biggest thing I need to improve on is organisation. I am not the best organised person. I am not really good at organising handouts and coursework.

What do I think is important for working well in a team?
A good team player needs to have good communication skills, be able to work with others and be well organised.

What am I most excited about achieving in the next 2 years?
I am most excited about gaining experience for a newspaper company.

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