Monday, 14 December 2009

Narration and recording

How was your final narration put together?
To put my script together I looked at all the research notes that I had and took out the most relevant parts of the notes to make the script. Once I had recorded my script, I inserted onto the computer onto itunes. Then to make sure the narration went onto garage band, I created an AAC version of it and dragged and dropped that version onto the song I had created on garage band. Then I put the completed piece onto itunes and then put into imovie.

Describe any difficulties experienced and how you resolved them?
I think the most difficult thing I faced was the timing of the narration. Trying to g the narration to near 3 minutes was difficult. To resolve it I cut a few bits out using garage band.

Did you use helpful tasks?
To help with my narration I timed it using a stopwatch on my phone. This helped with my narration as it gave an accurate time on how long it was.

Did timing your narration help you make any important decisions?
Timing my narration helped make the decision that I should shorten because it was way over 3 minutes.

Explain the process involved in recording your narration?
To record the narration I used a voice recorder. To record your voice you first pressed the middle red button once you pressed the button the middle would flash meaning it is ready to record then you pressed it again and it stopped flashing and it recorded your voice each time you wanted a breath you could just pause it and then continue and if you wanted to start it again you pressed stop and pressed the middle button again. Once you had finished your recording you put your recordings onto the computer then you would drag and drop them onto itunes then you would create AAC versions of the recordings so you could put them on garage band. Then you dragged and dropped the recording you wanted onto your music on garage band and from there you could cut bits out of the recording. Then when you rmusic and narration was finished you could put into itunes and from there put it on imovie. Then you organized it so the images fit with the narration by changing the duration of the image and then you have finished.

Detail any difficulties you experienced and how you overcame them?
I think the most difficult thing about recording was trying not to stutter and get mixed up. I overcame this by lying both sheets out in front of me and reading it to myself and then began my recording.

Did anything surprising happen that you did not expect?
There wasn't anything surprising about the recording I think was surprised most about how my voice sounded it didn't sound like me.

What would you do differently next time?
Next time I would probably find more high quality images I found it difficult this time around but next time I found look it books and scan them into the computer.

What do you feel worked and why?
I think the narration and the images worked well because they went together properly and I believe the music was good as well because it was quiet but you could still hear it and you could the narration clearly as well.

Do you think the slideshow was successful in giving a good insight into your chosen photojournalist?
I do believe the slideshow gave a good insight into his life as gave the key factors about such as where he travelled to take photos and how he formed the magnum agency so yes I do believe a good insight into his life but sure there could be more information about him put into the slideshow but it might not be relevant.

What has been your overall experience of this project ?

I think this project was the most difficult to date but I didn't find it extremely hard. My favourite part of the brief was the research of the chosen journalist because I am good at that sort of thing. I believe I have developed new skills since completing the mood slideshow such as being able to mix music and speech together y cutting bits out and fitting it with the music.

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