Monday, 14 December 2009

Risk Asessment and Presentation

Risk assesment
For the 'day in the life' project I had to think of what risks I might come up across when I am doing the photography. After writing each risk I had to give a rating on the risk on how possible it was that it was going to happen, with the rating being between 1 and 10, 10 being really possible. I then had to give another rating on the danger of each particular risk and it is the same rating scheme as the possibility rating.
With that done I then had to write what steps I would take to combat each risk so they don't happen. The final thing was to write about some considerations that were necessary.
I feel the risk assessment was good idea to do because it allowed you to think about the risks before hand and also it made you think how to prevent each risk.

Since we were treating this like a proper job we had to create a presentation that showed what were wanting to do and why we wanted to do it. Since my idea is to do 'a day in the life of' a amateur football team I first talked about the team saying where they were based and what league they competed and where they play. I then went onto to talk about research that I had done to get inspirations and ideas on what to take and where to take them. And then giving my ideas on how I can link the two photographers work with my own work.
The next thing thing I did was talk about what I was going to take so I started off talking about what was possible to take before the game begins and then what I can take during the game and after the game. The next thing I talked about was what I thought the target audience would be and also what sort of format the project will be in.
I believe I could done alot better in the presentation because I failed to talk in a professional way. I lost sight that I should be talking as if I was wanting the job.

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