Monday 10 May 2010

Tropic of Cancer- episode 4 (India)

In the 4th episode of the Tropic of Cancer series, the presenter Simon Reeve travels all the way across India.

This particular show starts off with it showing establishing shots of the Western Coast of India and has a narration over the top of the different shots of Simon Reeve talking a little about India. Then it cuts to Simon Reeve and it shows him in front of part of the Western Coast of India and he talks about what he will encounter as he travels across India.

Also in one part of the show he looks for endangered animals and when he finds them the shots show the endangered animal running about so the shots show you what these animals look like. Also Simon Reeve is talking over the top of shots to tell you about the animal and also he asks an animal expert questions about the animal which gives the audience information about the animal.

On another part of the show Simon Reeve visits a community centre and me and my group are filming at a community centre so it was useful to see how he interacted with people at the community centre. To interact with children at the community centre he sits among and talks to them and gives te children compliments on their drawings. This gave me an idea that when we are filming we should try and interact with the children as much as as possible. Also they used art classes to get children together and that is similar to what me and my group are doing for our interaction project.

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