Tuesday 27 April 2010

Tropic of Cancer- episode 3 Egypt to Oman

On this particular episode of the tropic of cancer the presenter Simon Reeve travels from Egypt to Oman. At the start of the programme it shows establishing shots of Lake Nasser which was formed by the waters of the River Nile and it is 300 miles long which makes one of the largest man made lakes in the world.

Also at the start he looks at a temple dedicated to a Pharaoh who had more than 40 wives and more than a 100 children. How did he not go insane. Also when he is in Egypt he talks to a resident of a village who had to move because their village is now submerged underwater. Simon Reeve also discovers another forgotten conflict between security and a set of people and security officials are stopping them from settling in Egypt and it hard to see how these sort of conflicts are not more heard of as they are violent conflicts.

When Simon Reeve and the film crew try to get to place Shalatin next to the red sea they find that they don't have permission to go there as the government are surprisingly strict on foreign film crews and it this happens to them a couple of times in Egypt. When Simon Reeve asks someone a question the camera usually zooms in on their face to get a close-up shot of them. Also when it showed a new location the cameraman used long shots to show the location so you can see most of it.
After travelling across a desert he meets a set of people who are hugely effected by a drought which is destroying livestock. Simon Reeve asks them how it is effecting them in their daily life.

There is another shot that the cameraman uses and its when there is more than person in the frame the cameraman uses a group shot to get all the people who are talking in one frame. Also when Simon Reeve dives into the Red sea they are able to get a few underwater shots of the Coral Reef. The shots are mainly medium and long shots so you can see most of the Coral Reef.

Sometimes when Simon Reeve is speaking it sometimes shows a close-up shot of him or sometimes it cuts to a different shot, for example, when he is in the Coral Reef it shows a close-up of him speaking and then it cuts to shots of the Coral Reef itself. Also when Simon Reeve visits a resort it shows establishing shots to show the location so each time he visits a new location they use establishing shots to show that particular location.

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