Monday 19 April 2010

Interaction- group meeting 19/04/10

Today I found out that we were going to have meeting on Wednesday with a representative from Hainworth Wood Community Centre called Angie Stack. So we decided to old on meeting and talk about how we should get their and what we talk about when were are there.

During the meeting we decided that to get their we should take the 13:10 train from Bradford Foster square train station to Keighley Train Station and then from the train station we decided that we would get a taxi from the train station to Hainworth Wood Community Centre.

Also we discussed what sort of things we should talk about. We would first tell her who we are and then what we want to do. We are also going to discuss other ideas with her and see if their is anything that Angie would want to include. We also decided to find alot information on the community centre.

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