Monday, 26 April 2010

Tropic of Cancer- episode 2

In the second episode of the Tropic of Cancer series the presenter, Simon Reeve travels from Western Sahara to nation of Libya.

In the Western Sahara he explores the conflict between the Morrocans and people of Western Sahara as their has been arguements to who the Western Sahara belongs too. Each time Simon Reeve goes to a different country he has guide that shows him around but in this particular he gets to know his guide really well and talk too each other as if they have been friends for quite a long time. This gave me an idea on how to interact with the local children in Keighley. It gave me the idea that I should try and talk with the children alot a get too know and if I get to know them I will feel more comfortable around them.

When Simon Reeve visits Western Sahara he learns that through Westeren Sahara there is a wall that the Morrocans built to cut off Morrocan controlled territory from the rest of Western Sahara and he also learns that near the wall the Morrocans have built land mines. This tells you how serious these conflicts are and you never hear this on the news as it is like a silent war.

Also just by visiting local villages and towns he gets an idea of their culture and what their lifes are like. There is something unusual about their culture as well. In the area of Mauritania fat woman are seen as beauty as it means they are wealthy and eating well. When Simon Reeve talks to local people it seems like their is just one camera following him around it makes it seem as if their is just him and a cameraman.

When Simon Reeve visits different towns or villages he interacts with certain people and asks them questions of what life is like in the twon or village. Towards the end of the show he finds out their is also tension between Algeria and Libya. As he travels to Libya he needs to fill lots of forms so they can be allowed in and this gives you an idea as too how difficcult it is too get permission to film in different countries.

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