Thursday 20 May 2010

Interaction- Investigative report essay

For our folders we had to have a copy of each member of our groups investigative reports, so we had to have 16 investigative reports in our folder. With these 16 investigative reports we had to collate all the findings in the reports and put it all into one huge essay.

To start off with I talked about the task we were set to do and also how went about tackling the task. I talked about what we had to do for the investigative reports and also I talked about what we did to help us do the reports. I wrote about how we drew up a mind map to identify the different community groups that live within the Bradford area and also how we chose from the mind map 4 particular community groups.

I then typed up my findings from my own investigative reports. Basically I wrote in full sentences, what the community group is, oragnisations and charities that work with that particular community, the problems that we will face when making contact with that group and what legal and ethical issues we need to consider as well.

After I had typed all of my findings from my investigative reports I went on to type the other members of my group's investigative reports. When typing up that information sometimes I found it difficult because some information was missing and sometimes there wasn't enough so To solve that problem I asked the member in my group who wrote the investigative report about it and they gave me some more information so it was ok.

To conclude the investigative essay our group had to pick 1 investigative report from our own 4 and choose to one to do some further research on. I chose the physically disabled community from my 4 and the other ones that were picked were, the Buddhist community, the polish community and the autistic community. At the end of the essay we had to write which ones we chose and why the groups were chosen.

This essay is probably the longest one I have ever done as I ended up doing 8 pages.

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