Tuesday 25 May 2010

Interaction- pitching presentation

In our group I was the first person to pitch my idea to the class and the course tutor. I didn't go well because it didn't look up enough at look at the class I was to busy going between my cue cards and looking at the screen and also my body language was bad as I kept leaning against the wall.

It didn't go well for 2 other members of my group either as they did the same as me as one of them kept referring to his notes and not looking up and the other member of the groups presentation wasn't really good enough but he still manage to look at the class as he was talking which made it better. The other member of our group, Libby actually did rather well but the only thing wrong with her pitch was that she just read from a sheet and didn't look at the class either but it was still a good presentation as she addressed all the points needed to pass the presentation.

I think next time I will have to memorise what information is on the cue cards and that way I won't have to keep looking at the cue cards and that will mean I can look at the class more. I will also have to make sure that I stand up straight and not lean against the wall and make myself seem more professional.

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