Monday 17 May 2010

Interaction- investigative reports

For the interaction project we each had to do 4 investigative reports for the community group we had chosen. I chose to do research on the disabled community in the Bradford area. I did one investigative report on the physically disabled community in Bradford, an investigative report on the Mentally Disabled, an investigative report on the Hearing impaired and another on the Visually Impaired community in Bradford.

For each of the reports we had to research different organisations and charities that work with that specific community group and the organisations and charities had to be based within the Bradford area. Also for each of the investigative reports we had to write down any problems we might face when making contact with community group and we also had to write down any practical or ethical issues we may need to consider when working with the group. The last thing we had to was write down why that specific group was suitable for interaction.

When I researching different organisations that work with a specific community group I found it difficult to find organisations that were based in Bradford because as most organisations and charities in Bradford are based all over the UK and I couldn't find many that were based in Bradford. But I did manage to find a few organisations that helped the particular community groups that had chosen. I managed to find them on an online directory for Bradford and the directory showed different services, organisations and charity shops that were based in Bradford.

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