Thursday 18 March 2010

A Band for Britain- ep 1

The programme, 'A Band For Britain' is a programme charting the attempts of comedian, Sue Perkins, to rebuild the Dinnington Colliery Band. Throughout the programmes Sue Perkins faces problems to get the community to engage with this project.Sue believes that the project is really important because brass bands are part of British culture and they are decline at the moment.
In this first programme of the series, Sue facing the task of trying to recruit new members to the band because the band itself had been losing members. To try and recruit new members she gets some of the bands existing members and go on a roadshow to Sheffield to try and recruit new members. Sue also faced another problem and that was the fact that some of the members were very negative and didn't think it would work. Also to try and recruit new members she tries to use local media such as, radio. Through persistance they managed to get a few new members and organised auditions for the new members to see how they good they are.
To help her get the band into shape she gets the conductor from probably the best brass band in the world to help her. He helps her by having a few practice sessions with the band.
Throughout the programme you got sense of what some of the band members were like. For instance a couple of the original members were really picky and didn't like being told what to do.
I think overall Sue Perkins would succeed if she kept the band to a strict regime and also through persistance.

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